Quality Management
Agg Bathrooms & Renovations Ltd. is a company engaged in the management of the design and construction projects within various market sectors within the UK.
The Board of Agg Bathrooms & Renovations Ltd. are committed to the achievement of quality not only in respect of our clients’ needs but also for the sustainable growth of the company. To reinforce this commitment the company has developed a Quality Management Procedural Manual.
The company will put its Quality Management Policy into practice by pursuing specific objectives and we will.
Be client focused
Be aware that what we do matters
Ensure we engage a high calibre of staff
Be dynamic
Our targets are that we will:
Implement a Quality Management System that is systematically reviewed in order to meet our clients and our company objectives.
To encourage our suppliers and sub-contractors to work in line with, or produce their own Quality Systems, reflecting RED’s high standards.
Agg Bathrooms & Renovations Ltd. Board of Directors has overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation. Details of individual levels of responsibility together with this policy, will be revised and reviewed on a regular basis. This Policy Statement will be prominently displayed at all sites and work places. Employees can obtain further information about Quality issues from their managers.