Equality & Diversity Policy
As an equal opportunities employer, Agg Bathrooms & Renovations Ltd. recognises that diversity is a positive attribute and we understand and welcome the differences that a diverse culture brings. We are fully committed to treating people equally and value openness, accessibility, fairness and transparency.
Agg Bathrooms & Renovations Ltd. therefore, will endeavour to:
Create a work culture that values diversity, inclusiveness and respect, and empowers our staff to reflect those values in their dealings with the client and all other stakeholders.
Promote equal access to the Senior Management.
Provide clear, meaningful information about what we do and how we do it to our customers, potential customers and other stakeholders in ways that best suit their needs.
Ensure that we provide an accessible service to all of our customers, and that our processes allow us to provide that service.
Identify as early as possible any individual requirements that may need to be met in order for a customer to fully access our service.
Explain clearly what we are able to do to meet the individual needs of our customers.
Be responsive to changing needs and requirements
Agg Bathrooms & Renovations Ltd. Board of Directors has overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation.
Details of individual levels of responsibility together with this policy, will be revised and reviewed on a regular basis.
This Policy Statement will be prominently displayed at all sites and work places. Employees can obtain further information about Equality & Diversity issues from their managers.